After you install the app, app will start tracking deleted issues. They will be stored in our system for further reference.

All the deleted issues will be displayed in the admin page called “Restore Deleted Issues“.

1. Search

You can search by project, deleted by or date. In the list view, issue key, summary, deleted user, date information are displayed. You can sort the list by clicking on the title of the each column.

2. View

You can view details of an issue by clicking the “View” link. A popup will be displayed with the description, comments, reporter, assignee, status and priority.

3. Restore

You can restore the issue by clicking the restore button. The app will try its best to restore all the fields. In case you do not have permission to create issue on the project, you will be prompted to select a project. Since it is not possible to use the same issue key, the issue will be stored with a new key. The created issue key will be shown under “Restored As” column. You can click on it and see restored issue details in new tab.

4. Delete Permanently

If you want to permanently delete the issue from our system, you can click the “Delete“ button under the “Actions“ column. Be aware that permanently deleted issue info will be lost forever.

If you need help or want to ask questions, please contact us through a Support or via email